How to Draw a Paint Brush Step by Step
This tutorial shows how to draw a paint brush in six steps. It includes simple drawing examples and quick explanations of what to do for each step.

The type of brush shown in this tutorial is one that is generally used for painting rooms or furniture. Above is a preview of the different stages of drawing it.
It’s recommended that you start the drawing in pencil and make light lines that you can easily erase in case you make a mistake. You can go over them later on with a black pen or marker.
For drawing a different kind of brush see:
How to Draw an Artist’s Brush Step by Step
Step 1 – Draw an Outline of the Brush

Start by drawing an outline of the brush. For this step it will just be a rectangle that sets its size and shape without any of the details.
Step 2 – Draw the Handle

Onto the brush add the handle. Draw it with smooth curves where it first gets thinner as it goes away from the brush then gets slightly thicker around the area where it will usually be gripped by the hand and finally thinner again towards the tip.
Step 3 – Draw the Ferrule

Right before the brush transitions into the handle add a few straight lines to indicate the ferrule, the metallic part that holds the bristles in place.
Step 4 – Add the Bristles

Add some hints of the bristles (the individual hairs of the brush). Do this by drawing a series of randomly spaced out lines of different length going from the tip of the brush towards the handle.
Step 5 – Finish the Line Drawing

Finally add a little hole toward the tip of the end of the handle. Brushes tend to have these so that they can be hung up when not in use. Simply make the hole round.
Once done you can trace over your drawing with a black pen or marker (as mentioned at the start of the tutorial) or if you prefer you can just darken your lines with the pencil.
Step 6 – Color the Brush

You can use pretty much any medium you like to color the brush.
In this case the bristles will be a light yellow (with a bit of brown), the ferrule a light grey (to show that it’s metallic) and the handle red (you can make this just about any color you like).
Once you finish coloring you should be done with the drawing.
This tutorial shows how to draw a paint brush without making it overly complex. When drawing something with a lot of smaller details such as the bristles on a brush you can often simplify it by just giving a hint of them. This can still have a nice looking drawing that does not require too much time to create.
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