How to Draw a Mining Pick Step by Step
This short four step tutorial show how to draw a mining pick or pick-axe. It provides simple illustrated examples and quick instructions.

The example in this tutorial shows a fairly standard looking and simple mining pick that should be fairly easy to draw. You can see a preview the drawing stages for it in the image above.
Start the tutorial in pencil and make light lines that are easy to erase in case you make a mistake. You can darken them later on with a black pen or marker.
Step 1 – Draw the Head of the Mining Pick

Begin by outlining the head of the mining pick . Draw it’s overall shape as a curve that gets narrower towards each of the tips. In the middle of this draw the part that will go over top of the handle shaft. You can make it’s shape as shown in the example above.
Step 2 – Draw the Mining Pick

Coming out of the head of the mining pick draw the handle. Make it a little narrower at the base and wider as it goes towards the grip area. You can then again draw it just a bit narrower towards the back of the shaft. You can also draw a little curve on the very end where it’s cut off.
Step 3 – Finish the Line Mining Pick

To finish the line drawing first add a little bit of the handle shaft sticking out from the front of the head of the mining pick. Once done confirm that your drawing looks the way you want it to. If you feel that everything seems right trace over your lines with a black pen or marker (if not make whatever corrections you need beforehand). Alternatively you can just trace over your drawing with darker pencil lines.
Step 4 – Color the Mining Pick

To color the mining pick you can use just about any medium you like (markers, paints, colored pencils, etc…) or a mix of several of them. Make it’s head a medium grey (to help show it’s metallic) and the handle a light brown (to help show that it’s wooden).
You can also add a little highlight (light reflection) to the middle section of the mining pick as in the example above. This will help show that the metal is somewhat shiny and reflective. Outline the highlight lightly in pencil and then go around it with the grey. Once done you can also lightly shade it with grey as well (so that it’s not too bright).
Once done coloring you should have a finished drawing of the mining pick .
The mining pick in this tutorial has a fairly simple shape, one that is quite common for these types of objects. Drawing it should not be too difficult, especially if you follow (or have followed) the provided steps and instructions.
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