How to Draw a Hot Pepper Step by Step

This  tutorial shows how to draw a hot pepper in four steps and provides very simple beginner friendly illustrated examples for each of them.

Hot pepper drawing step by step
Hot pepper drawing step by step

You can see a preview of the drawing stages in the image above.

You should start the tutorial in pencil and draw light lines because you will need to erase a small part of the drawing in one of the steps. It also good practice is general as light lines make it easier to correct mistakes. You can darken them in step three before coloring.

Step 1 – Draw the Outer Shape of the Pepper

Hot pepper outline drawing
Hot pepper outline drawing

Begin by drawing the outer shape of the pepper as shown in the example. Generally hot peppers tend to have a fairly pointy tip and get wider as they go towards the back/top.

Step 2 – Draw the Calyx

Hot pepper calyx drawing
Hot pepper calyx drawing

Now add the calyx (the small green cap at the top of the pepper). Generally these are shaped somewhat like an umbrella so that’s how you will want to draw it.

Before adding this part of the pepper you can erase a little bit of the outline from the previous step (at the very back).

Step 3 – Finish the Line Drawing

Hot pepper line drawing
Hot pepper line drawing

To finish the line drawing first add the stem. Make it thicker towards the base and thinner toward the part where it’s cut off.

Once done adding this last part of the pepper go over your drawing with darker lines. You can can either darken them using a black pen/marker or by simply pressing harder on the pencil.

Step 4 – Color the Pepper

Hot pepper drawing
Hot pepper drawing

Finally add some color. Make the pepper red and the calyx and stem green. When coloring the pepper itself leave a couple areas for the highlights.

As peppers often tend to have small curves along their surface drawing a little break in the highlight can give a hint of this (by breaking up the highlight in two) can make your drawing look a little more realistic. The highlights will also help show that the pepper has a shiny reflective surface.


Hot peppers (depending on your taste) may not be very fun to eat but they can be fun and fairly easy to draw. Hopefully you’ve found this simple breakdown of the different drawing stages helpful.

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