How to Draw a Candle Step by Step
This tutorial shows how to draw a burning candle with melting wax in six steps. It provides easy drawing examples and simple instructions.

You can see a preview of the drawing steps for the candle in the illustration above.
It’s recommended that you start the tutorial in pencil and make light lines that you can easily erase in case you make a mistake. You might also want to have a black pen or maker to trace over them later on.
Step 1 – Draw The Candle Stick

Begin the drawing with the candle stick. Candles can some in many shapes and sizes but in this case it will be a fairly “tradition” candle that is no very tall. Start by drawing two vertical parallel lines, next make the candle a little wider towards the bottom and outline the bottom itself with a curve.
Leave the top part open for the wax that will be added in the next step.
Step 2 – Draw the Melting Wax

At the top of the candle stick add the melting wax. First draw the very top with an uneven wavy line to show that it’s melted. Next add some wax dripping down the sides. Try and draw each of the drips to be somewhat different in length and size so that they looks more natural.
Step 3 – Draw the Wick

Going up from the middle of the candle add the wick. Make it fairly thin and draw it with a bit of a wave in it’s overall shape.
Step 4 – Draw the Flame

Coming up from the wick add the flame. Draw it wider and rounder at the bottom and narrower as it goes towards the top ending with a pointy tip.
Step 5 – Finish the Line Drawing

To finish the line drawing first add the inner part of the candle flame. Make this similar in shape to the outer part but smaller.
Next (as was mentioned at the star of the tutorial) trace over your drawing with a pen or thin black marker. If you don’t have those handy you can also simply darken your lines with the pencil.
Also when going over your lines try and keep the ones around the flame thinner than for the rest of the candle. This will make it appear lighter and more like an actual fire.
Step 6 – Color the Candle

You can finish the drawing by coloring the candle. A good way to do this is with paints or colored pencils as markers may be too bright.
Make the candle stick a light yellow/brown and the melting wax the same color but slightly lighter. If you are coloring with pencils you can first go over the drawing with one color and then the other. If you are using paints you can just mix these together. You may also want to add a bit of orange to whatever option you choose).
You can make the fuse a dark grey, the inner part of the flame orange and the outer part yellow. Once done you should have a finished drawing of a candle.
Drawing a simple candle such as the one in this tutorial is fairly easy. By adding just a bit of detail like the melting wax you can also make it look more interesting than if you were to just draw a plain candle stick.
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