How to Draw a Beanie Hat Step by Step
This short tutorial shows how to draw a beanie hat in just four steps. It includes easy drawing examples and quick instruction to go along with them.

The hat in the examples has a simple design that is fairly common for this type of head ware. You can see a preview of the drawing steps for it in the example above.
Start the tutorial in pencil and make light lines that are easy to erase in case you make a mistake. You can darken them later on with a black pen or marker.
Step 1 – Draw an Outline of the Beanie Hat

First create an outline of the main two shapes of the hat. Start with the folded bit at the bottom and then add the upper portion above it with a nice and smooth curve.
To make the hat look a bit more like fabric you can deliberately make your lines slightly wobbly so that it’s shape is a little uneven.
Step 2 – Draw the Lines Along the Bottom

To make the hat a bit more interesting draw some lines running along it’s bottom fold to create a look that these types of hats tend to have.
Draw the lines further apart near the middle and closer together as they go to the sides. This will help show the curve of it’s shape.
Step 3 – Draw the Lines Along the Top & Finish the Line Drawing

Starting from the upper ends of the line in the previous step project another set of lines running towards the tip of the hat. You can also add some breaks in a few of these lines in random places.
Once done drawing all of the details of the beanie you can trace over your lines with a black pen or marker. If you don’t have one around you can simply darken them with the pencil.
Whatever option you choose be sure that you are happy with your drawing before tracing over it.
Step 4 – Color the Hat

You can use any medium you like to color the hat (paints, markers, colored pencils, etc…).
In this case the beanie will be orange but you can go with just about anything else. There really is not much else to it. Simply fill in the entire hat with one solid color and you should be done with the drawing.
Beanie hats generally have simple designs which makes them fairly easy to draw. You also don’t need to be very precise with your lines or worry about getting the perfect shape. On the contrary as the hats are made of fabric that can bend and fold slightly wobbly and uneven lines will actually make it look better and more natural.
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